Monday, August 9, 2010

Photo Book

Here's a link to my facebook page to view the Photo Book that I created:
I'm still working on embedding it here. I may just end up having to create another one.

Last But Certainly Not Least

So, I'm home. And I'm not happy about it, except for the whole having my puppy back part.

Here are the things that I must revert back to now that I'm home:

-Look left first instead of right when crossing the street, though I did just see some guy driving the wrong way on the highway--scary, right?
-Say "excuse me" instead of "sorry" when trying to move through a crowd
-Crisps are chips, chips are fries, but wedges are still wedges
-Tiny silver coins are 10 cents not 5(p)
-No haggling at the market, though I do feel that milk is way overpriced
-Tip all bartenders, servers and cabbies because if you don't they can spit in your drink, in your food or in your face

and lastly...

-Normal hairstyles are OK. There is no need for a rattail, mullet or girl with long hair on one side and a shaved head on the other.

Digital Story Assignment

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Que Sera, Sera

Well, it's over. I feel as though I've been in London forever, but at the same time like I just got here. I will try not to cry, but no promises. I believe that the prospect of leaving has rendered me absolutely pathetic, seeing as how I just spent two hours washing a week's worth of dishes in someone else's flat in order to avoid packing because packing means I'm leaving.

Aside from the obvious absence of my special little Gia, you all know who I mean, this trip has been amazing and pretty much everything I could have hoped for. What do I feel that I have gotten out of this trip? Good question. Hmmm. My love for London was rekindled (that was terrible use of the past tense--get over it), I had the opportunity to meet up with a couple great friends who I rarely, if ever, get to see anymore, I accomplished some serious shopping that probably left my bank account in tears and my closet overjoyed, made some new friends, and had the opportunity to experience London in a very different light than I had on my last trip thanks to more exploring and a mellower group of companions.

I will forever remember this trip and hope to return over and over again if I don't accomplish my dream of moving here.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's All About Stopping to Smell the Roses

I must pass through 99 Great Russell St (the main study center entrance) at least five times a day to go to class, visit Elvis/Kenny and to access my flat during late night hours (if you believe that late night begins at 10 PM, ridiculous). But, how often do I pay attention to my beautiful and historical surroundings? Once. Twice, if you count just now. At the very beginning of this program, I noticed the beautiful mural on the ceiling of the study center, the height of which spans two floors. I took a photo of it back then, but then proceeded to completely forget about the thing. During a conversation with Elvis just now, I found out that the mural is over 250 years old. That's older than the United States!

The beauty of the mural made be wonder about the residents who commissioned it. It is quite amazing to wander around a city such as this where every third building contains a plaque with the information for an individual who lived in said building and is worth mentioning. Apparently, back in the day, Topham Beauclerk and his wife resided at 99 Great Russell St and after some quick googling, I discovered that he was the great-grandson of King Charles II. Pretty impressive stuff, huh? So every day as I walk through 99, my feet land on the ancient footsteps of royals, or close to it at least. Wow, I'm practically famous.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Know It's Not Over Yet, but...

With just 2 classes remaining before the conclusion of my London program, I am becoming a bit saddened with the prospect of returning home to the U.S. I feel like I just got here and I'm not ready to leave. I haven't seen enough West End shows, I haven't had enough free time to relax in one of London's beautiful parks for an afternoon and I certainly have not climbed the stairs to my flat enough to develop the perfectly tight butt I was hoping for. I need more time! But first, I need my puppy teleported over here so she can enjoy so many of the wonderful things that the UK and the continent have to offer. It breaks my heart when I see all the pups here at parks, markets and sightseeing with their owners while my Gia is stuck in NY with her grandparents (I know you're reading this and I don't mean to offend you, but you guys taking her for walks at Glen Island does not compare to the fun she could have at Stonehenge).

Anyway, my new focus is to get through my last semester of school as quickly as possible (OK, that's not a new goal, but just wait) and find a job somewhere in Europe, preferably in the UK. I'm meant to be here and so is my dog. Now, I just need to find that British husband of mine or figure out another way to land myself a work visa. Any ideas?

Digital Video Assignment